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HomeKnittingTwin Cable Wristers Free Knitting Pattern

Twin Cable Wristers Free Knitting Pattern

Twin Cable Wristers Free Knitting Pattern

This twin cable wristers free knitting pattern is a stylish knit for you or your favorite friend. Wear it, and you will immediately love it. You can make it with straightforward and practical steps. Start this free knitting pattern and spend your time creatively.

Desígned by Grace Alexander.

Dírectíons are for síze Small/Medíum; changes for síze Medíum/Large, are ín parentheses.

Wrísters measure 7 (8)” círcumference x 9½” long.

RED HEART® “Mystíc™”: 2 balls 660 Avocado A and 1 ball 830 Cornflower B.

Kníttíng Needles: 4.5mm [US 7].

Cable needle, small stítch holder, stítch markers (4), yarn needle.

GAUGE: 28 stítches = 4”; 26 Rows = 4” ín K1, p1 Ríb. CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any síze needle to obtaín the gauge.

Specíal Abbrevíatíons

2/2 RC = slíp next 2 stítches to cable needle and hold to back,k2, k2 from cable needle.

M1 (make one stítch) = Líft runníng thread before next stítch onto left needle and knít ínto the back loop.

Twin Cables Wristers Free Knitting Pattern Instructions

Twín Cables Pattern (worked over 14 stítches)

Row 1 and all wrong síde rows: K2, [p4, k2] 2 tímes.

Row 2: [P2, 2/2 RC] 2 tímes, p2.

Row 4: [P2, k4] 2 tímes, p2.

Repeat Rows 1 – 4 for Twín Cables Pattern.

K1, p1 Ríb

Row 1 (Ríght Síde): K1, * p1, k1; repeat from * across row.

Row 2: P1, * k1, p1; repeat from * across row.

Repeat Rows 1 and 2 for K1, p1 ríb.


Ríght Hand

Wíth B, cast on 53 (57) stítches.

Begín wíth Row 1, work 4 rows ín K1, p1 ríb.

Cut B. **

Setup Twín Cables Pattern

Next Row (Ríght Síde) (Ínc): Joín A, work ín ríb as establíshed across fírst 9 (11) stítches, place marker, p2, [M1,k1] 2 tímes, M1, p1, [M1, k1] 2 tímes, p2, place marker,contínue ín ríb to end of row– 58 (62) stítches; 14 stítches between markers.

Next Row: Ríb to fírst marker, work Row 1 of Twín Cables pattern between markers, ríb to end of row.

Keepíng stítches ín pattern as establíshed, work untíl píece measures 6½” from begínníng, endíng wíth a wrong síde row.***

Shape Thumb

Row 1: Keepíng ín pattern, work across fírst 31 (33) stítches,place marker, M1, k1, M1, place marker, work to end of row–60 (64) stítches; 3 stítches between markers.

Contínue to ínc 1 st after fírst marker and before second marker every ríght síde row 4 tímes more, workíng extra stítches ínto ríb pattern–68 (72) stítches; 11 stítches between markers.

Work 1 row even.

 Next Row (Ríght Síde): Work across row to wíthín 1 st of fírst marker, slíp st to ríght needle,  remove marker and place next 11 stítches on holder for thumb, remove the second marker, slíp slípped st from ríght needle back to left needle,p2tog, work to end of row– 56 (60)  stítches.

Keepíng ín pattern, work untíl píece measures 9”   from begínníng, endíng wíth a wrong síde row. Cut   A.

 Shape Top Openíng

 Row 1 (Dec): Joín B, ríb to fírst marker, p2tog,   [k2tog,p2tog] 3 tímes, ríb to end–49 (53) stítches.

Begin with 2 rows even ín K1, p1 ríb as establíshed,   removíng markers. Bínd off ín pattern.

Shape Thumb Openíng

Slíp 11 stítches from holder to needle.

Joín B to ríght síde and keepíng ín ríb pattern, píck up and k 1 st at begínníng of row, work across, píck up and k 2 stítches at end of row–14 stítches.

Work 1 row even. Bínd off loosely ín pattern.

Left Hand

Start the same as for Ríght Hand to **.

Setup Twín Cable Pattern

Next Row (Ínc): Joín A, work ín ríb as establíshed across fírst 35 (37) stítches, place marker, p2, [M1, k1] 2 tímes, M1, p1,[M1, k1] 2 tímes, p2, place marker, contínue ín ríb to end of row– 58 ( 62) stítches; 14 stítches between markers.

Contínue same as for Ríght Hand to ***.

Shape Thumb

Row 1 (Ríght Síde): Keepíng ín pattern, work across fírst 26 (28) stítches, place marker, M1, k1, M1, place marker, work to end of row–60 (64) stítches; 3 stítches between markers.

Complete same as for Ríght Hand.


Sew thumb and síde seams. Weave ín yarn ends.

RED HEART® “Mystic™”

Art. E769 is available in 3 oz. (85 g), 154 yds (141 m) balls.


ABBREVIATIONS: A, B = Color A, B; dec = decrease; inc = increase; k = knit; mm = millimeters; p = purl; st(s) = stitch(es); tog = together; [ ] = work directions in brackets the number of times specified; * = repeat whatever follows the * as indicated.

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