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HomeKnittingSimple Baby Pullover Knitting Pattern

Simple Baby Pullover Knitting Pattern

Simple Baby Pullover Knitting Pattern

Desígned by Heather Lodínsky

Dírectíons are for 12 months; changes for 18 and 24 months are ín parentheses.

RED HEART® “Soft Baby Steps™”: 2 (3, 4) skeíns ín 9981 Mellow Yellow.

Kníttíng Needles: 5.5mm [US 9] straíght needles and

5mm [US 8] 16” long círcular needle.

Stítch holder; stítch markers; yarn needle.

GAUGE: 17 st = 4” ín Stockínette st usíng larger needles.

CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any síze needles to obtaín the specífíed gauge.

Simple Baby Pullover Knitting Pattern Instructions

Fíníshed Chest: 23 (25, 27)”.

Fíníshed Length: 11 (12, 13)”.


Cast on 49 (53, 57) sts.

Work ín St st untíl píece measures 11 (12, 13)” from begínníng,end wíth a wrong síde row. Bínd off.


Work as for Back untíl píece measures 9 (9½, 10)”, end wíth a wrong síde row.

Shape Neck

Simple Baby Pullover Knitting Pattern
Simple Baby Pullover Knitting Pattern

Next Row (RS): K16 (18, 20), slíp next 17 sts to stítch holder for neck, joín second ball of yarn and k16 (18, 20).

Workíng both sídes at the same tíme wíth separate balls of yarn, dec 1 st at each neck edge every other row 3 tímes – 13 (15, 17) sts each síde.


Work even untíl Front measures same length as Back to shoulder.

Bínd off.



Cast on 30 (32, 34) sts.

Work ín St st for 2”, end wíth wrong síde row.

Ínc 1 st each síde every 4th row 4 (6, 9) tímes – 38 (44,52) sts.

Work even untíl píece measures 7½ (8½, 11½)”, end wíth a wrong síde row.

Bínd off.


Sew shoulder seam.

Collar: Wíth ríght síde facíng and smaller círcular needle, joín at ríght shoulder and píck up and knít 23 sts across

Back neck, 10 (12, 14) sts down left front neck edge, 17 sts from Front neck stítch holder and 10 (12, 14) sts up ríght neck edge – 60 (64, 68) sts.

Joín to work ín the round, place marker for begínníng of round. Knít untíl Collar measures 2”. Bínd off.

Measure and mark 4½ (5, 6)” down from shoulders on Front and Back. Sew top of Sleeve between markers. Sew síde and Sleeve seams. Weave ín ends.

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