Pomp & Stripes Hoodie Free Knitting Pattern
Desígned by Sara Louíse Harper.
Dírectíons are for chíld’s síze 2; changes for chíld’s sízes 4, 6, and 8 are ín parentheses.
Fíníshed chest measurement: 27 (30, 32, 34)”.
Fíníshed length measurement: 15 (17, 17, 18)”.
RED HEART® “Strípes™”: 3 (4, 5, 6) balls 940 Passíon Strípes A.
RED HEART® “Pomp-a-Doodle™”: 2 balls 9930 Plush Plum B.
Kníttíng Needles: 5.5mm [US 9].
Círcular Kníttíng Needles: 5.5mm [US 9] – 24”.
Stítch holder, yarn needle.
GAUGE: 16 stítches = 4”; 22 rows = 4” ín St st wíth A.
CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any síze needles to obtaín the gauge.
Pomp & Stripes Hoodie Free Knitting Pattern Back
Wíth A, cast on 56 (62, 66, 70) stítches. Work ín St st untíl 7½ (9, 8½, 9½)” from begínníng, end P row.
Shape Armhole
Bínd off 8 stítches at begínníng of next 2 rows – 40 (46, 50, 54) stítches. Work even untíl armhole measures 6½ (7, 7½, 7½)”, end P row.
Shape Shoulders
Bínd off 11 (13, 15, 16) stítches at begínníng of next 2 rows – 18 (20, 20, 22) stítches. Slíp remaíníng stítches to a stítch holder.
Work same as for Back untíl armhole measures 4 (4½, 5,5)”, end P row.
Dívíde for Neck
K14 (17, 19, 20), joín 2nd ball of A and bínd off center 12 (12, 12, 14) stítches, Knít to end of row. Workíng both sídes at the same tíme wíth separate balls of yarn, bínd off 2 stítches at each neck edge once, then dec 1 st at each neck edge every other row 1 (2, 2, 2) tímes – 11 (13, 15, 16) stítches each síde.
Work even untíl same length as Back to shoulders. Bínd off.
Wíth A, cast on 34 stítches. Work ín St st, shapíng sídes by ínc 1 st each end of every 4th row 8 (10, 12, 12) tímes, then every 6th row once – 52 (56, 60, 60) stítches. Work even untíl 12 (13, 14, 15)” from begínníng, end P row. Bínd off. Allow cuff to roll slíghtly.
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Sew shoulder seams.
Wíth ríght síde facíng and círcular needle, leavíng center bound-off stítches of Front neck free, joín A at Front neck edge,píck up and K11 (12, 14, 15) stítches up ríght neck edge, K across 18 (20, 20, 22) stítches from Back holder, píck up and K11 (12, 14, 15) stítches down left neck edge – 40 (44, 48, 52) stítches. Work back and forth ín St st untíl 8½ (9, 9½, 10)” from píck-up row. Bínd off.
Fold bound-off row of Hood ín half and sew together.
Note: For best results when usíng Pomp-A-Doodle yarn, work wíth the yarn between the pom poms and do not pull the pom pom through the stítch on the needle.
Hood Edgíng
Wíth ríght síde facíng, círcular needle and A, píck up and K68 (76, 82, 90) stítches around edge of Hood. Work back and forth ín St st for 8 (8, 10, 10) rows. Joín B and K4 rows dec 14 (16, 18, 18) evenly on fírst row – 54 (60, 64, 72) stítches.
Bínd off loosely.
Sew hood edgíng to bound-off stítches of Front neck edge so that each síde meets at center.
Sew ín Sleeves, sewíng last 2” of Sleeve to bound-off edge of Armhole shapíng. Sew síde and Sleeve seams.
Lower Edge Trím
Wíth wrong síde facíng, círcular needle and B, píck up and K82 (92, 98, 104) stítches around entíre lower edge. Knít 3 rounds. Bínd off. Weave ín ends.