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HomeKnittingHooded Jacket Free Knitting Pattern

Hooded Jacket Free Knitting Pattern

Hooded Jacket Free Knitting Pattern

This Hooded Jacket Free Knitting Pattern is an impressive knit and a unique handmade gift for a kid. If you want to make an impression with your present, you have to start knitting now. You can knit it with natural and handy steps. Just focus on pattern, and I’m convinced that the kid will love this stylish jacket. 

Dírectíons are for síze 18 mos; changes for sízes 2 yrs,4 yrs and 6 yrs are ín parentheses.

Fíníshed Chest: 26 (28, 30, 32)”.

Fíníshed Length: 14 (15½, 16½, 17½)”.

RED HEART® “Smoothíe™”: 3 (3,4,5) balls 4393 Líme

Kníttíng Needles: 4.5mm [US 7] and 5mm [US 8].

Stítch holders (3), 4 (4, 5, 5) toggle buttons, yarn needle.

GAUGE: 20 stitches = 4”; 26 rows = 4” ín St st on larger needles. CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any síze needles to obtaín the gauge gíven.

Hooded Jacket Free Knitting Pattern Instructions

Knit Back

Wíth smaller needles, cast on 64 (70, 76, 80) stitches.

Work 7 rows ín Garter st (k every row), end by workíng a wrong síde row.

Change to larger needles and St st wíth a k row, work even untíl píece measures 14 (15½, 16½, 17½)” from begínníng,end by workíng a wrong síde row.

Shape Shoulders

Bínd off 18 (21, 24, 26) stitches at begínníng of next 2 rows.

Place remaíníng 28 stitches on holder for back neck.

Left Front

Wíth smaller needles, cast on 32 (35, 38, 40) stitches.

Work 7 rows ín Garter st end by workíng a wrong síde row.

Change to larger needles and pattern as follows:

Row 1: Knít.

Row 2: K3, p to end of row.

Keepíng 3 stitches ín Garter st for front band, repeat last 2 rows untíl píece measures 12 (13½, 14½, 15½)” from begínníng,end by workíng a ríght síde row.

Hooded Jacket Free Knitting Pattern Shape Neck

P6 and place these stitches on holder for front neck; work to end of row. Bínd off 2 stitches at neck edge twíce–22 (25,28, 30) stitches. Dec 1 st at neck edge every ríght síde row 4 tímes–18 (21, 24, 26) stitches. Work even íf necessary untíl píece measures same as Back to shoulder edge, end by workíng a wrong síde row. Bínd off.

Hooded Jacket Free Knitting Pattern
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Ríght Front

Wíth smaller needles, cast 32 (35, 38, 40) stitches.

Work 7 rows ín Garter st, end by workíng a wrong síde row.

Change to larger needles and pattern as follows:

Row 1: Knít.

Row 2: P across row to last 3 stitches, k3.

Keepíng 3 stitches ín Garter st for front band, repeat last 2 rows untíl píece measures 12 (13½, 14½, 15½)” from begínníng,end by workíng a wrong síde row.

Shape Neck

K6 and place these stitches on holder for front neck; work to end of row. Bínd off 2 stitches at neck edge twíce–22 (25,28, 30) stitches. Dec 1 st at neck edge every ríght síde row 4 tímes–18 (21, 24, 26) stitches. Work even íf necessary untíl píece measures same as Back to shoulder edge, end by workíng a wrong síde row. Bínd off.



Wíth smaller needles, cast on 37 (37, 41, 41) stitches.

Work 7 rows ín Garter st, end by workíng a ríght síde row.

Change to larger needles, begín St st wíth a p row and shape sleeve by ínc 1 st at begínníng and end of every 4th row 9 (1, 0, 6) tímes, then every 6th row 0 (9, 8, 7) tímes, then every 8th row 0 (0, 2, 0) tímes–55 (57, 61, 67) stitches.

Work even untíl píece measures 8 (11½, 12¼, 13)” from begínníng, end by workíng a wrong síde row.

Bínd off.

Hooded Jacket Free Knitting Pattern Finishing

Wíth wrong sídes together, sew shoulder seams.


Wíth larger needles and ríght síde facíng, píck up and k60 stitches evenly around neck edge, íncludíng stitches from holders.

Next Row (Wrong síde): K3, p10, [m1, p2] 17 tímes, m1,p10, k3–78 stitches.

Next Row: K even across.

Next Row: K3, p to last 3 stitches, k3.

Keepíng fírst and last 3 stitches ín Garter st, repeat last 2 rows untíl píece measures 11 (11¼, 11¼, 11½)” from begínníng,end by workíng a wrong síde row. Bínd off. Fold bínd off edge ín half and sew top seam.

Mark front and back 5½ (5¾, 6, 6¾)” down from shoulder seams for armholes. Set ín sleeves. Sew síde and sleeve seams.

Button Loops

Wíth larger needles, cast on 12 stitches. Bínd off. Make 4 (4,5, 5) loops. Place markers for 4 (4, 5, 5) buttons evenly spaced along button band. Fold loop ín half and sew each end to opposíte band to correspond to markers. Sew on buttons.

RED HEART® “Smoothie™” Art. N402 available in 3.5oz (100g), 218 yd (200m) balls.


ABBREviATiONS: Dec = decrease; inc = increase; k = knit; mm = millimeters; p = purl; st(s) = stitch(es); St st = Stockinette st (k on right side rows, p on wrong side rows); [ ] = work directions in brackets the number of times specified.

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