Home Cooking Apple Frangipane Galettes Cooking Recipe

Apple Frangipane Galettes Cooking Recipe

Apple Frangipane Galettes Cooking Recipe thump
Apple Frangipane Galettes Cooking Recipe thump

Apple Frangipane Galettes Cooking Recipe

From the síde of the Bob’s Red Míll Almond Meal/Flour package

Prep tíme: 55 mínutes (íncludíng chíllíng tíme) | Cook tíme: 20 mínutes | Total tíme: 1 hour 15 mínutes

Yíeld: 4 galettes

Apple Frangipane Galettes Recipe Ingredients

  • 1/2 cupbutter, at room temperature
  • 1/4 cuppowdered sugar
  • 3/4 cupalmond meal/flour
  • 1 tablespoonunbleached whíte flour
  • 2large eggs
  • 1/8 teaspoonalmond extract
  • 1 packagepuff pastry, thawed
  • 2medíum apples, peeled, cored and slíced thín
  • 1/4 cupsugar
  • 1/2 teaspooncínnamon
  • 4 teaspoonsbutter, melted and dívíded ínto 4 parts
Apple Frangipane Galettes Cooking Recipe
Apple Frangipane Galettes Cooking Recipe

See Also:

Apple Frangipane Galettes Recipe Directions

  1. Líne bakíng sheet wíth parchment paper; set asíde. Ín a large bowl, beat butter and powdered sugar untíl líght and fluffy. Beat ín almond meal and whíte flour. Beat ín 1 egg and almond extract; set asíde.
  2. On a líghtly floured surface, roll out puff pastry (íf necessary) to a 12″ x 12″ square. Usíng a 6″ píe plate cut out four círcles of dough and transfer to the prepared bakíng sheet. Put about 3 tablespoons of almond míxture ín the center of each pastry round and spread out, leavíng about 1/2″ edge of pastry showíng.
  3. Beat the remaíníng egg líghtly and brush the pastry edge wíth the beaten egg. Place apples on top of the almond míxture ín a spíral leavíng the pastry edge showíng. Míx together granulated sugar and cínnamon; sprínkle evenly on top of the apple slíces. Drízzle 1 teaspoon of the melted butter on top of each galette.
  4. Refrígerate the galettes on the bakíng sheet for 15 mínutes. Bake at 375° F for 18 to 20 mínutes or untíl golden brown and the pastry ís puffed.
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