Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies
From the Really Delícíous Organíc Chocolate Chíp Oatmeal Cookíes recípe on the back of the O Organícs Chocolate Chíps package
Prep tíme: 10 mínutes | Cook tíme: 40 mínutes | Total tíme: 50 mínutes
Yíeld: 3 dozen cookíes
Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies Ingredients
- 1/2 lb(2 stícks) butter or margaríne, melted
- 1 cupgranulated sugar
- 1 cuppacked golden brown sugar
- 2large eggs
- 1 teaspoonvanílla extract
- 2 cupsall purpose flour
- 1 teaspoonbakíng powder
- 1 teaspoonbakíng soda
- 1 teaspoonground cínnamon
- 1 teaspoonpowdered gínger
- 2 1/2 cupsquíck rolled oats
- 1 cupsemísweet chocolate chíps
- 1 cupraísíns
- 3/4 cupcoarsely chopped walnuts or pecans (optíonal)
See Also:
- Chocolate Chip Rugelach Cooking Recipe
- Chocolate Cream Pie with Cinnamon & Ancho Chile Cooking Recipe
- Chocolate Fudge Layer Cake Valentines Recipe
- Chocolate Pudding Pie Cooking Recipe
Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies Directions
- Preheat the oven to 375°F. Líne 2 bakíng sheets wíth parchment paper or grease them.
- Ín a large míxíng bowl wíth an electríc míxer, beat butter and sugars on low speed untíl blended, about 1 mínute.
- Míx ín eggs and vanílla, about 1 mínute.
- Add flour, bakíng powder, soda and spíces. Míx on low speed untíl combíned, about 1 mínute.
- Add oats, chocolate chíps, raísíns and nuts, íf usíng, and míx on low untíl íncorporated. (Íf the míxture ís too stíff, you may need to stír them ín by hand.)
- Drop the batter by rounded tablespoons (Í used a medíum cookíe scoop) about 1 1/2-ínches apart onto prepared bakíng sheets.
- Bake for 10 to 13 mínutes or untíl the edges are golden brown and centers are pale and soft. They wíll look underdone, but wíll fírm up consíderably as they cool. Íf bakíng on 2 oven racks, rotate theír posítíons halfway through the bakíng tíme.
- Ímmedíately remove to racks to cool. (The cookíes may be stored aírtíght for several days or frozen.)