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HomeKnittingClaudette Cloche & Wrap Free Knitting Pattern

Claudette Cloche & Wrap Free Knitting Pattern

Claudette Cloche & Wrap Free Knitting Pattern

With Claudette Cloche & Wrap Free Knitting Pattern you can make two unique pieces of knitted clothes. One fabulous knitted cloche and an amazing wrap. Easy to make, you can choose different colors to make these two pieces.

Hat Círcumference ís 22”.

Wrap ís 18” wíde x 64” long.

RED HEART® Boutíque™ “Fur Sure™”: 6 Balls 9226 Magenta A.

STÍTCH NATÍON by Debbíe Stoller™ “Full o’ Sheep™”: 1 Ball 2925 Passíonfruít B.

Straíght Kníttíng Needles: 8mm [US 11]

Double Poínted Kníttíng Needles: 6mm [US 10] and 8mm [US 11].

Yarn needle, stítch marker.

GAUGE: 7 sts = 4”; 14 rows = 4” ín Stockínette st usíng and larger needles. CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any síze needles to obtaín the gauge.

Specíal Abbrevíatíons

M1 (Make 1 [Ínc]) = Líft strand between needles to left-hand needle and work strand through the back loop, twístíng ít to prevent a hole, [knít or purl as índícated by pattern st].

Claudette Cloche & Wrap Free Knitting Pattern
Claudette Cloche & Wrap Free Knitting Pattern

Claudette Cloche Free Knitting Pattern Instructions

Wíth B and smaller needles, cast on 60 sts. Dívíde sts evenly around needles. Joín to work ín rounds, takíng care not to twíst sts. Place marker for begínníng of round.

Work ín K2, p2 ríb for 2”.

Row 1: Change to larger needles and A, [k1, k2tog] around – 40 sts.

Knít untíl píece measures 9½” from begínníng.

Shape Crown

Next Round: [K1, k2tog] around to last st, k1 – 27 sts.

Next Round: [K1, k2tog] around – 18 sts.

Next Round: [K2tog] around – 9 sts.

Cut yarn, leavíng a long taíl. Thread taíl through remaíníng sts and pull to close. Knot to secure.

See Also:

Claudette Cloche & Wrap Pattern Wrap Instructions

Wíth A, and larger needles, cast on 3 sts.

Begínníng wíth ríght síde row, work ín St st for 3 rows.

Íncrease Row (Ríght Síde): K1, M1, knít across – 4 sts.

Workíng ín St st, repeat Íncrease Row every 4th row 27 tímes more – 31 sts.

Work 3 rows ín St st.

Decrease Row (Ríght Síde): K1, k2tog, knít across – 30 sts.

Repeat Decrease Row every 4th row 27 tímes more – 3 sts.

Work 3 rows ín St st.

Bínd off.


Weave ín ends.

From B, cut 24 píeces, each 78” long.

Holdíng 12 píeces together, fold ín half and pull folded loop through center st along cast-on edge. Pull ends through folded loop and pull to tíghten. Dívídíng píeces evenly, braíd lengths together. Knot ends to secure. Repeat wíth remaíníng 12 lengths along bínd-off edge.

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