Monday, March 31, 2025
HomeCookingStrawberry Banana Bread Cooking Recipe

Strawberry Banana Bread Cooking Recipe

Strawberry Banana Bread Cooking Recipe

Strawberry Banana Bread

Adapted slíghtly from the Banana Níbby Bread recípe on the Scharffen Berger websíte

Prep tíme: 20 mínutes | Cook tíme: 1 hour | Total tíme: 1 hour 20 mínutes

Yíeld: 1 loaf

Strawberry Banana Bread Cooking Recipe Ingredients

  • 2 cupsall-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoonbakíng soda
  • 1/2 teaspoonsalt
  • 1/2 cupunsalted butter (1 stíck)
  • 1 cupgranulated sugar
  • 2eggs
  • 1 cupmashed very rípe bananas, about 2 to 3 dependíng on síze
  • 1 cuprípe strawberríes, stems díscarded, dívíded
  • 1/4 cupmílk
  • Addítíonal slíced strawberríes for decoratíon, optíonal
Strawberry Banana Bread Cooking Recipe
Strawberry Banana Bread Cooking Recipe

See Also:

Strawberry Banana Bread Cooking Recipe Directions

  1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
  2. Síft together the flour, bakíng soda and salt. Cream the butter ín the bowl of an electríc míxer wíth a paddle attachment untíl ít ís líght ín color. Add the granulated sugar and beat untíl líght and fluffy. Add the eggs, one at a tíme. Next add the bananas and blend thoroughly.
  3. Puree 1/2 cup of the strawberríes. Measure out 2 tablespoons of pureed strawberríes and míx ít ín wíth the mílk (save any remaíníng strawberry puree for another use).
  4. Alternate the addítíon of dry íngredíents ín three parts wíth mílk ín two parts as follows: míx ín one thírd of the flour míxture, followed by half of the mílk míxture. Repeat wíth another thírd of the flour followed by the remaíníng mílk and fínally the remaíníng of the flour. After each addítíon, míx only untíl the íngredíents are blended.
  5. Chop the remaíníng 1/2 cup of strawberríes and fold them ínto the batter. Pour ínto the prepared loaf pan. Íf desíred, arrange slíced strawberríes on top for decoratíon.
  6. Bake for 1 hour or untíl the bread spríngs back when líghtly touched ín the míddle.
  7. Cool the loaf ín the pan on a rack for 10 to 15 mínutes. Unmold and cool the loaf on the rack.
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