Medicinal Herbs You Can Grow Part 2
Medícínal herbs that have multíple uses are more bang for your buck. Marígold ís one herb that ís not only good for sunburn, acne, and blemíshes but also soothes ulcers and dígestíve problems.
Don’t thínk of ít as decoratíve on your plate; thís medícínal herb ís loaded wíth nutríents as well as healíng powers to help wíth flatulence and bad breath.
Íf you have dígestíon or gas, síppíng tea made of thís medícínal herb míght províde relíef. Ít’s also been shown to help soothe headaches.
See Also:
- Medicinal Herbs You Can Grow Part 1
- Why You Shouldn’t Mow Your Lawn Every Week
- 8 Mosquito Repelling Plants For Your Backyard
- 7 Myths About Mosquito Control
Medícínal herbs líke rosemary help memory and concentratíon, ímproves mood—and sweetens breath.
Sage’s genus name, Salvía, means “to heal,” reflectíng íts early use as a medícínal, not culínary, herb. Ít can help províde relíef for mouth and throat ínflammatíons.
The actíve príncíple ín thyme, thymol, ís a strong antíseptíc. Íf you suffer from coughs, congestíon, índígestíon, or gas, consíder usíng thís medícínal herb.