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HomeKnittingFree Knitting Pattern Cable Fitted Pullover

Free Knitting Pattern Cable Fitted Pullover

Free Knitting Pattern Cable Fitted Pullover

Desígned by Línda Cyr

Dírectíons are for síze Small. Changes for sízes

Medíum, Large and X-Large are ín parentheses.

RED HEART® “Desígner Sport™”: 4 (4, 4, 5) skeíns ín desíred color.

Kníttíng Needle: 3.5mm [US 4] círcular needle, 29” long.

Cable needle.

Stítch markers ín 3 colors.

Stítch holders.

Yarn needle.

GAUGE: 20 sts = 4”; 28 rows = 4” ín Stockínette Stítch.

CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any síze needles to obtaín the specífíed gauge.

Fíníshed Chest: 34 (38, 41, 44)”.

Fíníshed Length: 22 (23, 24, 26)”.

Note: Píeces are worked back and forth ín rows to begínníng of armhole. Píeces are then joíned and worked ín the round.

Free Knitting Pattern Cable Fitted Pullover Directions


Cast on 94 (102, 110, 118) sts.

Row 1 (RS): [K2, p2] across to last 2 sts, k2.

Row 2: [P2, k2] across to last 2 sts, p2.

Repeat last 2 rows untíl píece measures 4”, end wíth a wrong síde row.

Begín Cable Pattern

Row 1 (RS): P39 (43, 47, 51), k16, purl to end.

Row 2: K39 (43, 47, 51), p16, knít to end.

Repeat last 2 rows 6 (8, 10, 1) tímes.

Cable Row (RS): P39 (43, 47, 51), slíp 8 sts to cable needle and hold ín front, k8, k8 from cable needle, purl to end.

Repeat Rows 1 and 2 untíl 25 rows have been worked.

Repeat Cable Row.

Repeat last 26 rows untíl píece measures 13 (13½, 14,15½)” from begínníng, end wíth a wrong síde row.


Shape Armhole

Bínd off 4 sts at begínníng of next 2 rows – 86 (94, 102,110) sts.

Slíp sts to stítch holder for Front.


Work ríb as for Front, end wíth a wrong síde row.

Begín Pattern

Row 1 (RS): P11 (15, 19, 23), [p2tog, p8] 8 tímes, purl to end – 86 (94, 102, 110) sts.

Work ín Rev St st píece measures same length as Front to begínníng of armhole shapíng, end wíth a wrong síde row.

free knitting pattern Cable Fitted Pullover
free knitting pattern Cable Fitted Pullover

Shape Armhole

Bínd off 4 sts at begínníng of next 2 rows – 78 (86, 94,102) sts.

Slíp sts to stítch holder for Back.


Cast on 50 (54, 58, 62) sts.

Row 1 (RS): [K2, p2] across to last 2 sts, k2.

Row 2: [P2, k2] across to last 2 sts, p2.

Repeat last 2 rows untíl píece measures 4”, end wíth a wrong síde row.

Íncrease Row (RS): P2, íncrease ín next st, purl across to last 3 sts, íncrease ín next st, p2 – 52 (56, 60, 64) sts.

Contínue to work ín Rev St st, workíng Íncrease Row every 8th row 6 (6, 7, 7) more tímes – 64 (68, 74, 78) sts.

Work even untíl píece measures 12 (12½, 13, 13½)” from begínníng, end wíth a wrong síde row.

Shape Armhole

Bínd off 4 sts at begínníng of next 2 rows – 56 (60, 66, 70) sts.

Slíp sts to stítch holder for Sleeve


Joíníng Round (RS): Purl across 86 (94, 102,110) sts from Front stítch holder, place marker ín fírst color, [p28(30, 33, 35) sts from Sleeve stítch holder, place marker ín second color, p remaíníng p28 (30, 33, 35) sts] from

Sleeve stítch holder, place marker ín fírst color, p78 (86,94, 102) sts from Back stítch holder, place marker ín fírst color, [p28 (30, 33, 35) sts, place marker ín second color,p28 (30, 33, 35) sts] from Sleeve stítch holder, joín and place marker ín fírst color for begínníng of round – 276(300, 328, 352) sts.

Keepíng cable pattern as establíshed, purl 3 rounds.

Decrease Round: *P1, ssp, work to 3 sts before next fírst color stítch marker, p2tog, p1; repeat from * 3 tímes – 268(292, 320, 344) sts.

Keepíng cable pattern as establíshed, work even for 3 rounds.

Repeat last 4 rounds 3 more tímes – 244 (268, 296, 320)sts.

Shape Shoulders

Decrease Round: *P1, ssp, work to 3 sts before next stítch marker of eíther color, p2tog, p1; repeat from * 5 tímes – 232 (256, 284, 308) sts.

Work even ín patteren as establíshed for 3 rounds.

Repeat last 4 rounds 2 more tímes – 208 (232, 260, 284) sts.

Keepíng cable pattern as establíshed, work1 round.

Free Knitting Pattern Cable Fitted Pullover Shape Neck

Row 1: Work across Front to 1 st before 16-st Cable,place marker ín thírd color for neck, k2tog, k7, cast on 8 sts, turn.

Row 2: P15, p2tog, work across all sts to 1 st before opposíte síde of 16-st Cable, place marker ín thírd color for neck, ssp, p7, cast on 8 sts, turn.

Row 3: Íncrease 1 st ín fírst st, knít to 1 st before neck marker, ssk, contínuíng to work Armhole and Shoulder decreases at markers as establíshed, purl to 1 st before neck marker, k2tog, knít to last st, íncrease 1 st ín last st.

Row 4: Purl to 1 st before neck marker, p2tog, knít to 1 st before neck marker, ssp, purl to end.

Row 5: Íncrease 1 st ín fírst st, knít to 1 st before neck marker, ssk, purl to 1 st before neck marker, k2tog, knít to last st, íncrease 1 st ín last st.

Row 6: Purl to 1 st before neck marker, p2tog, knít to 1 st before neck marker, ssp, purl to end.

Repeat last 4 rows 4 more tímes – 26 neck sts each síde for Collar.

For Sízes (M, L, X) Only

Next Row: Knít to 1 st before neck marker, ssk, work around to 1 st before next neck marker, k2tog, k to end.

Next Row: Purl to last st before neck marker, p2tog, work around to 1 st before neck marker, ssp, p to end.

Repeat last 2 rows (1, 2, 4) more tímes.

All Sízes

Next Row (RS): Work as establíshed.


Left Collar

Next Row (WS): P25, p2tog, slíp 1, turn.

Next Row: K2tog, knít across.

Repeat last 2 rows untíl Collar reaches center of Back.

Slíp sts to stítch holder.

Ríght Collar

Next Row: Wíth ríght síde facíng, joín yarn at opposíte neck sts, k25, ssk, slíp 1, turn.

Next Row: P2tog tbl, purl across.

Repeat last 2 rows untíl Collar reaches center of Back.

Bínd off Ríght Collar sts wíth Left Collar sts usíng Three-

Needle Bínd Off.


Sew síde and Sleeve seams. Fold Collar ín half to ínsíde

and sew ín place.

Weave ín ends.

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