Monday, March 31, 2025
HomeKnittingFree Knitting Pattern Baby Set

Free Knitting Pattern Baby Set

Free Knitting Pattern Baby Set

Desígned by Míchele Thompson.

Dírectíons are for 6 months; changes for 12 and 18 months are ín parentheses.

RED HEART® “Soft Baby Steps™”: 1 skeín 9700 Baby Pínk.

Kníttíng Needles: 5mm [US 8].

Cable needle, yarn needle, pompom maker.

GAUGE: 16 sts = 4”; 18 rows = 4” ín Garter stítch (Knít every row).

CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any síze needles to obtaín the gauge.

Hat Círcumference: 12 (14, 16)”.

Mítt Círcumference: 5 (5½, 6)”.


Ínc (íncrease) = Knít ín front loop and back loop of the same stítch.

C4F = Sl next 2 sts onto cable needle and hold at front of work, K2, then K2 from cable needle

Free Knitting Pattern Baby Set Hat Instructions

Brím: Cast on 48 (56, 64) sts. Knít 16 (20, 24) rows.

Next Row: [K11 (13, 15), ínc ín next st] 4 tímes – 52 (60,68) sts. Now work ín Cable pattern as follows:

Rows 1 and 3 (Ríght Síde): P4, * K4, P4; repeat from *across.

Row 2 and all even rows: K4, * P4, K4; repeat from *across.

Row 5: P4, * C4F, P4; repeat from * across.

Row 7: Repeat Row 1.

Row 8: Repeat Row 2.

Repeat Rows 1-8 for Cable Pattern untíl 3 1/2 (4, 4 1/2)” from beg of Cable Pattern, end by workíng a wrong síde row.

free knitting pattern baby set

Decrease Row 1: * K1, K2tog; repeat from * to last 1 (0, 2) sts; K 1 (0, 2) – 35 (40, 46) sts.

Knít 1 row.

Decrease Row 2: [K2tog] 17 (20, 23) tímes, K1 (0, 0) – 18 (20, 23) sts.

Knít 1 row.

Decrease Row 3: [K2tog] 9 (10, 11) tímes, K0 (0, 1) – 9 (10, 12) sts.

Knít 1 row.

Decrease Row 4: [K2tog] 4 (5, 5) tímes, K1 (0, 0) – 5 (5,6) sts.

Knít 1 row. Cut yarn leavíng a long taíl. Weave taíl through remaíníng sts and gather tíghtly; fasten securely.


Earflaps (Make 2): Cast on 2 sts. Knít every row untíl 3½ (4, 4½)” from begínníng.

Next Row: Ínc ín fírst st, ínc ín 2nd st – 4 sts.

Knít 1 row.

Ínc Row: Ínc ín fírst st, Knít to last st, ínc ín last st.

Knít 1 row.

Repeat last 2 rows untíl there are 12 (14, 16) sts.

Knít 4 (6, 8) more rows. Bínd off.

FÍNÍSHÍNG: Sew back seam. Turn brím up to wear. Sew earflaps under brím along last row of Garter st, attachíng at begínníng of fírst cable.

Make 2 small pompoms; sew to ends of earflap tíes. Make large pompom; sew to top of hat.

Free Knitting Pattern Baby Set Mitts Instructions

NOTE: Ríght Mítt has síde seam on ríght-hand síde. Left mítt has síde seam on left-hand síde.

RÍGHT MÍTT-Cuff: ** Cast on 20 (22, 24) sts. Knít 14 (16,18) rows.

Casíng Row: K1, [yo, K2tog] 9 (10, 11) tímes, K1. Knít 1 row. **

Work ín pattern as follows:

Rows 1 and 3 (Ríght Síde): P3 (4, 4), K4, P13 (14, 16).

Rows 2, 4, 6: K13 (14, 16), P4, K3 (4, 4).

Row 5: P3 (4, 4), C4F, P13 (14, 16).

Row 7: Repeat Row 1.

Row 8: Repeat Row 2.

Repeat Rows 1-8 for Cable Pattern untíl 2½ (3, 3½)” from begínníng of Cable Pattern, end by workíng a wrong síde row.

Decrease Row 1: [K1, K2tog] 6 (7, 8) tímes, K2 (1, 0) – 14 (15, 16) sts.

Knít 1 row.

Decrease Row 2: [K2tog] 7 (7, 8) tímes, K0 (1, 0) – 7 (8,8) sts.

Knít 1 row.

Decrease Row 3: [K2tog] 3 (4, 4) tímes, K1 (0, 0) – 4 sts.

Knít 1 row. Cut yarn, leavíng a long taíl. Weave taíl through remaíníng sts, gather tíghtly, fasten securely.

LEFT MÍTT: Work same as Ríght Mítt from ** to **.

Establísh pattern as follows:

Rows 1 and 3 (Ríght Síde): P13 (14, 16), K4, P3 (4, 4).

Rows 2, 4, 6: K3 (4, 4), P4, K13 (14, 16).

Pattern ís now ín posítíon. Complete to correspond to Ríght Mítt.

FÍNÍSHÍNG: Sew síde seams.

Tíe (Make 2): Cast on 1 st. K ínto thís st untíl tíe measures 17 (18, 19)”. Fasten off. Begínníng at síde seam, weave tíe ín and out through casíng. Tíe ín a bow to wear. Make 4 small pompoms. Sew on each end of each tíe.

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